The Lord's Invitation
There is no greater question anyone can ask, than what he or she must do to be saved. On the day the church was established, those who heard the first gospel sermon also raised this very question (Acts 2:37). It is a question that still needs to be asked today.
God's Plan Of Salvation
Rebirth is the Answer to Life’s Most Important Question
Plan of Salvation -- We think life’s most important question is “Are you going to heaven when you die?” It is not a question of how good you are, whether you go to church, or how much money you give to charity. God says, in order to go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3).
If you find yourself not in compliance with the Bible's plan of salvation, you can change. You can make your life right with God. No matter how old you may be, it is not too late to make your life right by obeying the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you are sincerely desiring to serve the Lord, then He can certainly help you in your pursuit of righteousness. Have you obeyed the gospel? Why hesitate to submit your life to Jesus Christ? If you would like to talk more about the gospel or are ready to be added to the Lord's church in baptism, please contact us. We can study more with you or help put you in touch with a church in your area!